If you don't see an answer to your question please send us a Quick Question !
Q: Is this product KETO
, LOW CARB or Trim Healthy Mama
A: YES! In ½ cup serving of our prepared ice cream there is approx. 1 NET CARB in the Vanilla flavour and 2 NET CARBS in the Chocolate! Enjoy your ice cream and lose weight at the same time!
Q: Can I use a lower fat content cream in the recipe?
A: Usually No. You have to be able to whip the cream to get the desired volume.
Q: Why is there icy liquid on the bottom of the ice cream after I freeze it?
A: When whipped too long the cream begins to separate. When using an electric hand mixer, whip for only 3½ minutes.
Q: Do I need an ice cream machine?
A: No! This is FAST & EASY! Check out our Instructions page.
A: You can now buy 35% Lactose Free Whipping Cream! I have now seen at least two different brands in the grocery store.
Q: How long does it take to freeze?
A: It depends on the temperature of your freezer, and how hard you like it. Normally it takes two to four hours or more, if you like it quite firm.
Q: How long do I have to leave it in the freezer before I can eat it?
A: It is delicious and you can eat it before it reaches the freezer. It tastes like mousse.
Q: How long is it good for in the freezer?
A: We have tested it by keeping it as long as eight months in the freezer and it still tasted great!
Q: Can I substitute Cool Whip, Nutri-Whip, or Dream Whip for the 35% whipping cream in the recipe?
A: No, because they all contain sugar and would make the ice cream too sweet!
Q: Can I use just one half the package of powder mix at a time?
A: Yes you can. Just cut the amount of water and cream in half as well.
Q: Are there any preservatives in the powder mix?
A: No there isn’t.
Q: How many calories are in the ice cream?
A: It depends on what brand of 35% whipping cream you use. Generally it works out to approximately 250 calories per ½ cup of gourmet ice cream.
Q: Is this product nut free?
A: Yes it is nut free.
Q: Can I use this product if I’m gluten intolerant?
A: Yes there is no gluten in the powder mix.
Q: Can I use my blender to make the ice cream if I don’t have a hand mixer?
A: Yes, I have used a blender but you may not get the volume you want. The end results tend to be thicker or more condensed—but still delicious!
Q: Can I take this on a camping trip?
A: Yes you can, but if you like it frozen then you need some way of freezing it.
Q: Can I add extra liquid flavouring to the powder mix when I’m whipping it?
A: If you want to add any liquid (ie: Maple Syrup, Coffee, Liquid flavouring, etc.) then just substitute it for some of the water the powder mix calls for.
Q: Do I have to store the powder mix in the refrigerator or freezer?
A: No, just on a shelf or drawer will do.
Q: What is the shelf life of the powder? How long will it keep?
A: At least two to three years.
Q: How much powder mix do I use at a time?
A: Use one whole package to make approximately five cups of gourmet ice cream.
Q: Do you have any sugar-free products?
A: Yes, it is made with Xylitol. See our Products page.
Q: Why didn’t the mix whip up into peaks like it’s supposed to?
A: If the whipping cream is too old then it won’t whip properly. Take your carton back to the store and they should replace it for you. I have had brand new whipping cream not whip and it was the manufacturer’s fault.
Q: Is the ice cream still edible if it didn’t whip up like it’s supposed to?
A: Yes, you just won’t have as much volume, but it is still very edible. This will make great creamsicles (popsicles).
Q: Do I need to put the mixer blades or bowl in the freezer ahead of time to make the mixture whip better?
A: You don’t have to, but it does make the cream whip up better.
Q: Can my friends who live overseas use this powder mix?
A: Yes, anyone who has access to a cow and it’s cream can make great Mousse. If they can freeze it—they will have great Gourmet Ice Cream!
Q: Can I use this powder mix as a gift?
A: Yes! It is a unique gourmet gift at a reasonable price. Great for giving a co-worker on any occasion, or slipping it into a gift basket. Using it as a Christmas Stocking stuffer is also a popular choice.
Q: Do you have any recipes for making different flavours of ice cream?
A: Yes, we are working on different concoctions all the time. Check out our Recipes page, or even better, send us some of your creative ideas!
Q: Can I make this ice cream with my grandchildren?
A: Yes! It is so simple to make and the children love to help—Especially stirring in their favourite addition (chocolate chips, smarties, Oreo cookie crumbs, mini marshmallows, etc.) just before they put it in the freezer!
Q: Can I make an ice cream cake?
A: You can make any shape you want! You might want to check out our Recipes page for great ideas,
or Email Us some fun alternative ideas of your own!